
To anyone wondering if they have it in them to be even slightly amusing, I daresay whatever is in there can be pulled out and weaved together by The Marvelous Maggie Scudder. Her classes are filled with laughter, the stretching of creative wings, and sincere and helpful feedback with the goal of continuously striving to improve not only our sketches, but also our general writing, directing, and performing skills. There is magic in taking comedy seriously - it's such an oxymoron, am I right? But Maggie does it again and again.

She has a profound gift for empowering others. For students that need more than a little encouragement (me?) she will gladly give a gentle shove in the direction of confidence! Maggie's class was the first time that I ever felt like I could truly possibly be a comedy writer. With her guidance, I had what I'd call my first 'comedy peak' such that when the show was over, I said to myself, "this is it, I cannot get any funnier than that." Does that sound dismal? It shouldn't! I was out of funny juice because I gave it my all. We all gave it our all, and was easy to do so, because it was so evident that Maggie was giving her all from the very beginning. - Ayla, Physicist & GOLDie

Wellness Blog & Newsletter

When I started working with Maggie, I needed someone to take my ideas and make them coherent and exciting to my readers. From the get-go, Maggie was an awesome collaborator: positive, generative, and solution-oriented!

We turned out a newsletter in under 48 hours because of her super timely edits, awesome content insights, and attention to detail.

I was confident publishing because I had Maggie’s skills behind my vision! If you want a positive, current, professional, skilled copywriter, look no further— I know I won’t! - @fromwithinwellness


Maggie Scudder possesses the gift of exposition. I have quite literally never met another person who can build a world, engross an audience, and set up a killer conclusion like she does. Her narrative eye, her evocative language, and her incredible wit set her above the rest.

Maggie is the writing partner I never had, she is the editor everybody would want. She is the storyteller that everybody deserves. I don’t know a better person. - Morgan P. Vickers