CLIENT BLOG: 5 Benefits of Healing Gemstones

You're busy. You spend all day rushing from meeting to meeting or sitting in front of a bright screen. 

By the end of the day, you're exhausted. You have nowhere to turn and no time to stop.

But, it doesn't have to be that way. You can help establish more balance in your life by wearing healing gemstones. No extra effort--you just wear them.

From the iconic clear quartz to the enchanting power of amethyst, healing gemstones have been used for millennia. 

While there is debate about the scientific and medical benefits of gemstones, there is no doubt that they can be a powerful addition to your self-care routine. 

By simply choosing to wear or use healing stones, you are empowering yourself and your choices. 

Here we will go over a few types of gemstones and their benefits.  

1. Healing Gemstones as Self-Care

Clear quartz is one of the best-looking gemstones. But, more than that, it is known for its healing properties. 

Specifically, clear quartz will help you find balance. This makes it a fabulous starting gemstone for self-care. 

Step one for self-care is simply to prioritize it. By stretching those little moments that are already incorporated into your day, you can find the time.

Think of your morning routine. You make so many choices before you even leave the house in the morning. Everything is a choice, from whether to hit snooze to what you'll be wearing that day, is an opportunity for self-care. 

Be gentle with yourself, and make choices confidently. Incorporating gemstones into your wardrobe is one of the best ways to encourage this behavior modification.

Clear and rose quartz (for love) are very beautiful. So, imagine putting your own empowerment out at the forefront of your life by wearing gemstone jewelry.

2. Mindfulness

One way that healing crystals do their job is by opening the door for you to practice mindfulness. 

Take Turquoise for example. Turquoise is a gem known for its power in balance. sells beautiful gemstone jewelry--including some with turquoise stones.

So, by simply wearing turquoise against your body all day, you are harnessing the power of balance. You have a physical object, with healing powers, through which to channel your mindfulness.

The stones, by themselves, do not make you think or feel certain things. But, they offer up the possibility of thought. 

When you choose to buy healing gemstones, you are being mindful about what you wear and put into the world. You are choosing to open yourself up to the idea of being more mindful.

3. Reflection

Healing gemstones offer you the daily invitation to reflect. Even before your day has begun, they offer questions:

  • What stone do you want to wear?

  • What do you want to manifest in your life today?

  • Did something happen recently that you want to encourage or counteract?

Perhaps, upon reflection, you feel vulnerable. Maybe you are hearing things that make you feel uncomfortable in your daily life.

This sounds like the time to wear healing gemstone earrings. Perhaps you should try wearing earrings made from Obsidian. Obsidian empowers protection. 

Even if stones cannot physically protect you, by choosing to wear obsidian, you are respecting your own self-reflection. Not only that, but you've become empowered to make a change.

4. Inspiration

Creativity and inspiration are moving targets. Sometimes it feels impossible to sit down and feel inspired. 

Gemstones are particularly gifted at healing these issues. Just as they help us to reflect by eliciting certain questions from within, they can inspire. 

Put on your sapphire necklace, for prosperity, and let the energy flow through you. 

Anyone who has been inspired can tell you that inspiration hits at the craziest times. So, who is to say that certain rituals--mindfulness, reflection, holding, or wearing a certain gemstone--aren't the reason inspiration strikes. 

Most creatives have a process, healing gemstones are just one. They are available and offering their centuries-old wisdom to you.

5. Acceptance

Nearly all Americans have trouble with acceptance. Just because this is true, doesn't mean you shouldn't, for your own mental health, strive for acceptance in your own life. 

Hopefully, by now, you understand that the power of healing gemstones lies in their ability to empower you. 

Quartz invites balance and obsidian invites protection. But, they are unable to do so without you accepting their innate abilities into your life, and choosing to empower those things within yourself. 

Acceptance, then, is key. Once you have prioritized your self-care, become mindful, reflected, and been inspired, all that is left is acceptance. 

Jasper is a stone that helps with empowerment. Maybe by choosing a jasper stone, you can empower a little bit of radical acceptance in your own life. 

Accept when things don't go your way, and remember to reflect on the "why" later. 

Accept others for who they are, and be mindful of what they may be going through. 

Accept alone time, and prioritize your own self-care. 

Accept that you have talent and take inspiration when it strikes.

Your Time Is Now

If you haven't already invested in yourself by wearing gemstone jewelry, now is the time. 

Empower yourself in all aspects of your life. From self-care to acceptance, gemstones will revitalize your daily routine.

Healing gemstones are more than a fad--they are an ancient wellness practice. And, the easiest and most effective way to incorporate them is by wearing them! 

If you liked this article about gemstones, check out our other wellness articles. Your self-care journey is just beginning.